Everything You Need to Know About Obtaining Visas When Setting Up a Business in Dubai

Doing business in Dubai? Learn everything about obtaining visas when setting up businesses in Dubai including visa fees calculation & types of insurance available.

Everything You Need to Know About Obtaining Visas When Setting Up a Business in Dubai

Doing business in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is one of the most effective ways to obtain a residence visa. As soon as your company is established, you may want to immediately secure a long-term permit to stay and do business in the UAE. Additionally, to grow your business, you might need to hire a manager or employees and provide them with long-term permissions. These long-term permits would be residence visas in the UAE, which are generally granted to business owners for three years and for two or three years to employees. The number of residency visas that you, as a business owner, can apply for is limited.

This is where the concept of visa fee comes into play. Remember that as long as you have a company, you are subject to a visa fee. In other words, there is always a certain number of residency visas you can apply for. In order to properly structure your business and plan the hiring process, you must know exactly how this visa fee is calculated and how you can increase it, in case your company grows very fast and requires significant additions to your team. In this chapter, we'll take a closer look at the topic of visa fees and analyze all the important facts to provide a comprehensive and seamless guide regarding visa fees for your company in the UAE. Once you have received your business license, you must apply for a business bank account.

One of the requirements to open a bank account is to have a valid residence visa in the UAE along with your Emirates ID to meet your business and banking needs. A 10-year visa may be more difficult to obtain. With the first, you must deposit at least 10 million AED in a public investment. Alternatively, you can also create a company with a capital of at least AED 10 million or invest AED 10 million in an existing company. When doing business in Dubai or in the UAE in general, you can obtain a residence visa for 5 or 10 years. Reserving a business name in the UAE is a process that involves reserving a name for your company and is done together with the initial approvals for business activities. There are different types of insurance available in the Emirates and these relate to the company or its employees.

In the event of changes in third-party charges, Business Boutique DMCC Business Consultancy will notify the customer within a reasonable time. For example, if you want to create a company that provides financial services in the DIFC, you must not only obtain a business license but also a financial services permit (FSP) from the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA), the DIFC's financial services regulator. Should the Customer wish to exercise their right and terminate the Agreement, this does not exempt them from their obligation to settle Business Boutique DMCC Business Consultancy invoices for services provided. Also keep in mind that if you have a work visa and you also run a business, there may be restrictions on what you can do when running a side business. To protect your business, you should think about taking out insurance when setting up a company in the UAE. Business Boutique does not exercise or impose any official, governmental or legal authority in any way and this article should only be taken as a guide. Therefore, think carefully when submitting your application and plan everything accordingly as this will help minimize your company's expenses in the future. DED works with the Planning Department of the Dubai City Council to inspect the office location to ensure that standards appropriate to your business are followed and accordingly approves it.

The Forbes Business Council is the premier growth and networking organization for business owners and leaders. This type of visa is recommended for foreign entrepreneurs who want to invest in the UAE or who want to spend some time setting up their own business. On the other hand, an offshore business in the UAE will allow you to protect your assets but you will not be able to trade in the UAE and will only obtain a certificate of incorporation and not a business license. It's important that entrepreneurs understand all aspects of obtaining visas when setting up their businesses in Dubai. Knowing how visa fees are calculated and what type of insurance is available can help entrepreneurs plan their businesses more effectively and save money on expenses.

Margaret Zynda
Margaret Zynda

Amateur beer specialist. Incurable zombie ninja. Friendly burrito practitioner. Hardcore beeraholic. Amateur twitter fan.

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